Touch 7s
Touch 7s is a fun, free-flowing, non-contact form of Rugby which offers people a great workout in a social atmosphere.
Touch 7s is for people of all ages, sizes and abilities.
No problem! This program is perfect for beginners to learn the Rugby basics and be guided each step of the way.
There are seven players on the field at one time with an unlimited amount of interchanges. One team can have a total of twelve players which can be a combination of males and females.
The program can be rolled out anytime of the year and typically runs for five to eight weeks.
The cost varies at each centre however the typical amount is $75 per person for a five week program.
This covers your registration and insurance. Merchandise including shirts and hats can be purchased via the Touch 7s shop.
Participants can wear sporting attire and either running shoes or rugby boots.
The program is delivered by a certified centre coordinator. To become a coordinator please contact Rugby Australia or your local State Union.